
Celebrities are just as influenced by astrology as the rest of us! In fact, the insight of the heavenly stars can shed a whole new light on the ones here on Earth, from their careers and love lives to those famously outlandish antics.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Reese Witherspoon (Actress)

Actress Reese Witherspoon certainly hasn't allowed herself to be typecast -- she's played a hilarious hellion from the wrong side of the tracks (Freeway), a calculating nineteenth-century social climber (Vanity Fair) and a not-so-dumb blonde lawyer (in the Legally Blonde movies). But in all her roles, the same qualities shine through: a certain sweetness, a certain earnestness, a certain seriousness and a particularly sharp edge of intelligence and savvy behind it all. She also possesses classic beauty and a timeless quality, evidenced by the number of period pieces she's successfully pulled off. Her resume is full of varied roles in both independent and mainstream films, and she has claimed not to want any of her films to be hits at the box office. No, she's not crazy -- she simply wants to avoid 'the huge inundation of press and all that rigmarole that comes with having a hit movie,' to put it in her own words. Once her film Cruel Intentions (in which she starred opposite then-boyfriend and now-husband, Ryan Phillippe) was a hit, however, Witherspoon was undeniably on the map of the stars. Since then, her Hollywood cred has grown exponentially, and she's also busy raising her two children. What can the stars reveal about Witherspoon's talent and her seemingly incredible good luck?

Birth Details:
March 22, 1976
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Witherspoon has a real powerhouse of a birth chart, one that reveals dynamic energy, ambition and optimism in equal parts. Born under an Aries Sun, she personifies the fiery qualities of the Ram: She's brash and confident, and she possesses a forthright energy that is appealing in its electric honesty. She is likely to be even more impetuous and quick-tempered than many born under this sign, due in part to her Sun's square to Mars, which heightens her natural Aries vitality and unleashes the passion of Mars, the planet of drives and ambition. With this placement, she may be truly impulsive, perhaps occasionally motivated by anger or arrogance. (Did this aspect help Witherspoon slip easily into her role in Election?) The unrestrained energy and ambition created by this square are only heightened and intensified by her Sun's opposition to Pluto. This aspect betrays a relentless drive for power and an incredibly ambitious nature. Witherspoon is likely to be rather forceful and demanding; she may actually intimidate people without even meaning to! Her Sun's conjunction to Mercury is yet another powerful aspect that strengthens her will to act on her ideas. In other words, she isn't just a lot of talk -- she finds a way to turn her ideas into reality. The people in Witherspoon's life are likely to see her as an inspiration, thanks to her incredible energy and confidence.

She's not all strength, fire and ambition, however, and definitely has her soft side. With Venus, her love planet, in Pisces, Witherspoon places love above almost all else. She needs lots of affection and is a true romantic. She is a sensitive, sympathetic friend and a tender, sentimental partner. She's likely to be a fun and exciting lover as well -- her Venus trines Uranus, generating a lively spontaneity in both Witherspoon's love life and her friendships. This aspect ensures that her marriage will never be dull (lucky Ryan!).

Her communication planet, Mercury, lies in Pisces as well. This brings quite a bit of subtlety to Witherspoon's brazen Aries Sun; where Aries is all about overtness and anything that's immediately apparent, Pisces is all about interiors, vibrations and the things that go on below the surface. With Mercury in Pisces, Witherspoon's emotional perceptions are heightened, as is her psychic awareness. This is a great placement for an actor, as it enables her to connect intuitively with the characters she plays. Regarding her method for choosing whether to accept a role, Witherspoon says, 'I have a weird process, but the main thing is ... I hear her voice in my head.... Unless I hear the voice, I can't do it.' Mercury in Pisces also suggests that she is highly imaginative and creative, but that her ideas may not always be practical; her chart's trine between Mercury and Saturn, however, strengthens Witherspoon's logic and mental objectivity. She is able to structure her reasoning around well-ordered facts. This aspect aids her in practical, sensible planning; nothing is left up to chance. For this reason alone she would be almost ensured success.

Her Mars in Cancer further enhances her emotional life. The planet of passion in this sensitive water sign indicates that Witherspoon's actions are closely linked to her emotions. She does things based on how she's feeling; therefore her motives might sometimes seem illogical or otherwise obscure to others. With this placement, she may tend to resent criticism and could have trouble being objective about her work. It's a good thing, then, that her passion planet trines Uranus, enabling her to be decisive and timely in her actions. This trine indicates that she is inventive and enterprising, willing to try new and risky methods of getting what she wants. Her Mars also sextiles Jupiter, an aspect that further heightens her already high levels of energy and ambition, but also serves to keep her honest.

It's a good thing Witherspoon is so headstrong and directed, because the square between Jupiter and Saturn in her chart indicates that she will only reach true success through hard work. Her current successes clearly aren't the result of just a lot of good luck; somehow Witherspoon seems to have paid her dues. Her Neptune sextiles Pluto, which further suggests that this actress is well along her path of personal growth. Since Neptune holds personal significance in Witherspoon's chart (it appears in several important aspects, and her Mercury and Venus are in Pisces, Neptune's sign of dignity), she is able to reach the highest form of Plutonian evolution.