
Celebrities are just as influenced by astrology as the rest of us! In fact, the insight of the heavenly stars can shed a whole new light on the ones here on Earth, from their careers and love lives to those famously outlandish antics.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Quentin Tarantino

He's Hollywood's enfant terrible, a producer-writer-director who pushes the envelope with scintillating, often scary, always hilarious results. Best known for his Academy Award-winning (for best screenplay) film Pulp Fiction, Aries Quentin Tarantino also made headlines with the super-violent Kill Bill flicks. So what makes the Jackie Brown bossman tick?

Birth Details:
March 27, 1963
Knoxville, Tennessee

Born under an Aries Sun, Tarantino is a man of action, much like the characters in his films. He's a firebrand who feels most comfortable in the action film genre. With both his Sun and Mercury in Aries, it's also easy for the director to speak his mind, enabling him to coax winning performances from his actors.

Thanks to Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, Tarantino is a real risk-taker and visionary, someone who will try anything once. Even so, he's repressing his true self -- a renegade for the next millennium. This futurist eschews conservative arenas while he busies himself creating a brave new world. Where relationships are concerned, this planetary alignment signals someone who can't stand to have his freedom restricted -- Tarantino needs a progressive lover who doesn't mind maintaining an open relationship.

With his Jupiter in Pisces, Tarantino is blessed with true intuition. He knows instinctively what the public will want, explaining the unexpected success of Pulp Fiction. Tarantino's Mars in Leo speaks to his creative flair. Encouraged by his Aries Sun, Hollywood's do-it-all director has plenty of great moviemaking energy left in him, so stay tuned!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

George W. Bush (U.S. President)

Former Texas governor and president for the new millennium George W. Bush followed in his father's footsteps with his 2000 bid for the United States presidency -- and he solidified his family's political dynasty even further when he won re-election in 2004. Dubya's known for his malapropisms and his hawkish international policy; what do the stars have to say about the leader of the free world?

Birth Details:
July 6, 1946
7:26 AM
New Haven, Connecticut

Bush was born under a Cancer Sun. Cancer is the sign of the home, which can refer to one's immediate house and family or, in a wider sense, to one's homeland as a whole. In Bush's case, of course, family and country are inextricably intertwined. Familial respect and connections are generally of very high importance to Cancers (often regardless of whether those familial connections are positive or troublesome). This may help explain Bush's urge to take his father's lead and succeed in the same arena. And those born under Cancer's watery influence tend to be emotional, moody and sensitive; George W. may feel a lifelong need to prove something to his father and to the world at large.

With his Moon in Libra, the sign of balance, Bush struggles with issues of balance in thought and deed. He may often equivocate, relying on others to provide his agenda, and his subsequent actions can seem rash and less than fully thought out. And Bush's reputation as a lover of the good times is no coincidence; Libra is a social sign, which, combined with a Cancer Sun, makes for a hospitable, personable good old boy who wants everyone to feel at home -- and wants home to be a party.

Bush's Mercury in Leo marks him as an authoritarian and a dramatic talker who may verge on opinionated arrogance. He believes his views (once he establishes them) are the only views anyone could possibly sensibly hold. While the 43rd president may appear to indulge dissenting opinions in his characteristically affable manner, it's questionable whether he'll absorb anything from them.

Dubya's Mercury also conjuncts Pluto, the planet of power and destruction. Couple that with his Sun's square to Jupiter, and you have a man who possesses the potential to mesmerize the masses with his message, but who needs to be extra careful that his message is real and practical.

What the Sun-Jupiter square takes away in practicality, however, is replaced by his Mars in Virgo, the element of his chart that really gives Bush his edge. His ambitions are quite focused and directed toward a specific goal. He is concerned with efficiency and has an eye for detail -- which he can sometimes get caught up in, failing to grasp the reality of a situation as a whole.

All the planets in Bush's chart fall on its eastern side: This points to a resistance to the influence of outside factors. Bush will pursue the goals he thinks are worthy of pursuit, regardless of what anyone may advise him to do.

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Friday, January 20, 2006

David Bowie (Musician)

His tune 'Changes' provides an apt description of David Bowie himself. During a career that's spanned several decades, the 'Chameleon of Pop' has both changed with and defined music and fashion trends. While growing up in challenging circumstances in London, Bowie developed an interest in music, which led him to learn to play the guitar and the saxophone. After high school, he temporarily teamed up with a band before breaking off to pursue his own solo endeavors. In 1969, Bowie earned his first hit in the U.K. with the single 'Space Oddity,' which also tore up the charts when it was released in the U.S. Glam rock and gender-bending costuming colored Bowie's stint as Ziggy Stardust in the early '70s. Many other personas and more hits followed, including successful collaborations with the likes of Queen, Tina Turner and Mick Jagger. Bowie also turned his talents toward the silver screen, appearing in a variety of films, and launched his own website and boutique Internet service provider. His music career continues, and Bowie's also a survivor of drug addiction and major heart surgery -- not to mention husband to gorgeous, exotic supermodel Iman (and father of her child). How does he do it all? The stars may have a hunch!

Birth Details:
January 8, 1947
London, England

A Capricorn Sun sheds some light on Bowie's business savvy and ambition. This is, after all, the man who sold himself on Wall Street in a $55 million bond deal. The Goat makes for a person who cautiously plans things out every step of the way, constantly working toward their goal -- which, of course, is the top! Hardworking and conscientious, Bowie seeks security and stability; gaining some fame along the way wouldn't be too shabby either. His Sun makes a square to Neptune, indicative of a creative and intuitive person. This man of many personas and talents has a vivid imagination and a wild fantasy life.

With his Moon in Leo, the artist once known as Ziggy Stardust has creativity and imagination galore. The loud and proud Lion ensures that everything he does will be bigger and better. A natural performer, he has a flair for the dramatic and fairly sparkles with charisma.

The planet of communication, Mercury, finds itself in Capricorn, alongside Bowie's Sun. Realistic and practical to the core, Bowie is self-disciplined and detailed when going after his goals. He has a flypaper memory for facts and figures, as these might come in handy further down the road. Common sense, organization and tact characterize communication as ruled by Capricorn. Mercury's square to Neptune, the planet of illusion, adds a creative, out-there spin to things. Articulating thoughts could be a complicated endeavor for Bowie, and he may sometimes say things that no one else understands since they're so far out there in the stratosphere.

When it comes to matters of the heart, Bowie has Venus cozying up to Sagittarius, making him someone who likes his freedom. Adventure and excitement color his relationships, leading him to a taste for the new, different and exotic. Iman had better be able to keep up with this adventurer! Venus's trine to Saturn, the planet of responsibility and discipline, has a slowing effect on the fiery influence of the Archer in Bowie's chart. This signals that long-term relationships could be better suited to Bowie (who has been with Iman for more than a decade).

With Mars, the planet of passion, in Capricorn (yes, the Goat again!), Bowie's energy goes toward fulfilling all his ambitions; he's determined to fulfill his long-term plan. His Mars conjuncts the Sun, which makes him even more of a go-getter and adds quite a bit more oomph to the Goat's natural ambition. Bowie is particularly assertive; he knows what he wants and goes after it. With five cardinal planets in his chart, Bowie is an initiator and an innovator. Shaping music history and fashion trends is a given for this self-starter.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Angelina Jolie (Actress)

Actress Angelina Jolie, never a stranger to Hollywood, has certainly established herself as a star in her own right. With three -- count 'em -- Golden Globes under her belt and an Oscar for best supporting actress in Girl, Interrupted to boot, Jolie, an airy Gemini, is flying high. The daughter of actor Jon Voight is a former model and tattooed bad girl who first received major critical acclaim for her roles in the TV movies George Wallace and Gia. She has gone on to hold her own opposite the likes of Denzel Washington (in The Bone Collector), Nicolas Cage (in Gone in Sixty Seconds) and Brad Pitt (in Mr. and Mrs. Smith), and her embodiment of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider definitely proved that this star is a force to be reckoned with. Her tempestuous personal life has also garnered her lots of publicity and attention, but Jolie has come happily down to earth in her latest roles as mother and humanitarian. Let's see what the stars have to say about what makes this beauty a star.

Birth Details:
June 4, 1975
Los Angeles, California

Born under Gemini's influence, Jolie was bound from the beginning to follow her own path toward self-knowledge and enlightenment. Geminis have a great urge to communicate and express themselves, making acting a natural career choice; they also enjoy a constant, driving thirst for knowledge. They will not rely on the teachings of others, but instead must learn everything firsthand, regardless of the cost. Geminis may have difficulty concentrating on one particular field or career for very long.

Jolie is a true Gemini: As a child, she wanted to be a funeral director, but then began attending the prestigious Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute at the tender (and precocious) age of 11. Next she went into modeling, and later entered film school at New York University. Now Angelina is an established actress and one of Hollywood's hottest stars. But don't expect this leading lady to stick with acting for long -- her intense desire to learn life's lessons firsthand, coupled with her tendency to drop projects before they're finished, will most likely lead her places even she'll be surprised to go. And the traveling she's done as a UN Goodwill Ambassador has certainly gotten her off to an impressive start!

Gemini is an air sign, but Jolie's a real firebrand. This could have something to do with the heavy fire sign influence in her chart: Both Mars and Jupiter, her planets of passion and luck, reside in fiery Aries, making Jolie a direct, aggressive and competitive person who goes after what she wants on impulse, without a backward glance. Again, these planets' position in Aries influences Jolie's courageous, carefree enthusiasm for life, as well as her potential inability to finish what she's started. One great life lesson for her will be learning to ground herself and commit to one project or undertaking -- or person.

Venus, the planet of love, resides in Cancer in Jolie's chart. For her, marriage means security. She has a tendency to cling to those she loves, whether romantically or platonically (in her Oscar acceptance speech on March 26, 2000, she tearfully proclaimed her undying love for her brother). Her marriage to British actor Jonny Lee Miller didn't last long. Jonny's a Scorpio -- a water sign -- which may help explain their split. Jolie's chart is almost completely lacking in earth signs; she may do best with an earthy mate who provides her with the stability and practicality that she can't easily provide for herself.

Billy Bob Thornton wasn't an earth sign -- and wasn't the lifelong mate for Jolie either. Jolie's Mars in Aries makes her a doer, not a talker. She married Miller wearing black rubber pants and a t-shirt bearing his name on the back -- written in her own blood. She married Thornton even though he was already engaged to someone else (actress Laura Dern). Is Jolie crazy or callous? Not necessarily either -- she simply feels and acts passionately. Her Moon squares Saturn, however, which lends an inhibitive influence to her emotional life; as much as she wants love, and as passionate as she can feel about another person, she may tend toward despondency and discouragement in her love life. She would benefit from learning to be more trusting and optimistic.

Jolie, French for 'pretty,' is actually Angelina's middle name. The strong Gemini influence in Angelina's chart makes her totally unwilling to ride on her famous father's Hollywood coattails. Her Mercury is in Gemini as well, gracing her with an agile, perceptive mind and the ability to think logically. Her Saturn is in Cancer, which will benefit her well on her course through life: Whether she continues with acting or settles on another form of self-expression, Angelina is graced with the tenacity to continue on any course she chooses, regardless of the obstacles that may arise. She does not want anyone's sympathy and would rather solve her own problems without anyone's help. If she can keep her energies from becoming divided (her Jupiter in Aries frequently leads her to overextend herself), she is likely to go far and find the peace and knowledge that she seeks.

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ben Affleck (Actor)

Ben Affleck's star rose on a trajectory that left mere mortals in awe. His beginnings were humble enough, with roles in flicks such as School Ties and Dazed and Confused; then this Hollywood It Boy caught the eyes of many as the eager-for-love, confused young man pining for Alyssa (played by Dazed costar Joey Lauren Adams) in the indie hit Chasing Amy. Next up was the springboard role of Chuckie in the self-penned (with pal Matt Damon) Good Will Hunting, a film that won them the Oscar for best original screenplay. Affleck subsequently starred opposite Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler in Armageddon, a shoot-'em-up, save-the-world blockbuster; his resume since includes plenty more hit action flicks and occasional forays into comedy, and his personal life has been major tabloid fodder. His on-again, off-again girlfriend of twelve years was replaced by Gwyneth Paltrow almost as soon as Affleck hit Hollywood. Their romance quickly ran hot and cold too, and his relationship with Jennifer Lopez certainly continued the trend. Will Jennifer Garner break that pattern? Let's see what the stars have to say about Affleck's meteoric rise to fame and his unpredictable love life!

Birth Details:
August 15, 1972
Berkeley, California

Born under a Leo Sun, Affleck needs to be noticed, recognized, appreciated, adored and worshiped. His Mars in Virgo indicates a truly detail-oriented ambitious streak, meaning he's likely to get everything he wants and more. Perhaps this is why he didn't let the wrong people in Hollywood take control of his Good Will Hunting script. His insistence on getting this film made the right way brought in top talent, such as director Gus Van Sant and costar Robin Williams, a bold stroke that can be attributed to the nit-picky perfectionism inherent to this planetary alignment. Affleck truly knows how to get things done.

With his Venus in Cancer, Affleck is quite the cozy, sensitive and emotional lover. He is caring, knows how to be nice to Mom and is probably a whiz in the kitchen, whipping up hearty home cooking to please his loved ones. In fact, he'll do almost anything to impress someone he loves. But he can also get his feelings hurt rather easily and needs lots of reassurance that he's appreciated and loved -- reassurance that his proud, unyielding Leo Sun (and Mercury in Leo, too) may not allow him to ask for. This combination may account for the many ups and downs in his romances -- and hold the answer to how he can pursue true love with his latest flame, Jen.

Ben's Mercury in Leo puts him right out in front of the world, and he definitely has something to say. Much like his character in Shakespeare in Love, Affleck is dramatic and energetic, with a true aptitude for storytelling. He's not content simply to say what someone else's script dictates, however. Affleck has big ideas of his own, hence his own successful screenplay (Hunting) and the launch of Project Greenlight, his brainchild with pal Matt Damon, intended to give struggling, unknown screenwriters the same kind of chance Affleck and Damon enjoyed with their first script. With Mercury in Leo, Affleck's given to strong opinions and will go out of his way to express his views. And with an Oscar and several blockbusters under his belt, he'll certainly get to keep on expressing them.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Paris Hilton (TopModel)

Paris Hilton isn't just famous, she's meta-famous. Well before her 21st birthday, Hilton made a name for herself as a party-hopping socialite and jet-setter, just about immediately becoming a regular in all the popular tabloids (which labeled her 'Paris the Heiress'). Hilton is the great-granddaughter of hotel mogul Conrad Hilton -- which makes her a member of one of the wealthiest families on the planet. Born with the beauty of a model, she tried her hand at that profession for a while, along with acting in both television and film roles; she played herself in Zoolander, a satiric look at the world of high fashion, alongside Ben Stiller. But pampered Paris's forays into the real world with Nicole Richie (the daughter of singer Lionel Richie) for the reality series The Simple Life are what have made her a household name -- well, that and a certain scandalous video. Now she's well on her way to parlaying that celebrity into successful careers in film and fashion, among other things. So what's in the stars that makes this heiress so hot?

Birth Details:
February 17, 1981
New York City, New York

As a child, Hilton's every wish was just a casual mention away from becoming reality, so it's understandable that she could believe rules don't apply to her. But the gleeful rebelliousness she's only too happy to display -- and the fact that she's never met an envelope she won't push just as far as she possibly can -- suggests something else. Hilton's urge to be seen as a true individual goes far deeper than just enjoying the rarified benefits of her privileged environment. Anyone who's known for breaking rules or deliberately making a spectacle of themselves must be one of those startling people born under the strong influence of Uranus -- and Hilton is no exception to that rule. She has three planets in Uranus's own sign, Aquarius, including the Sun (which describes what we're striving our hardest to become), Mercury (the planet in charge of what we say and how we say it) and Venus (the planet of love, attraction and relationships).

Between the freedom that she's allowed by virtue of her exceptional wealth and Aquarius's substantial energy, Hilton almost couldn't help becoming famous -- but there's more. She was also born with the Moon in Leo, the sign of the performer. Those born with Leo Moons are many things, but they've never been known for being shy, retiring or afraid to step into any spotlight. These people just love the roar of the crowd, and they aren't afraid to do what it takes to keep that spotlight directly on them. Fortunately, they're so entertaining that no one minds.

Hilton may be her last name, but individuality is Paris's middle name, astrologically speaking -- and there's no doubt she'll continue to make that fact known.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving

A Comparison of Temperaments and Life Styles that Affect Their Ability to Harmonize with Each Other

Amy Irving's Sun in Virgo and Steven Spielberg's Sun in Sagittarius:(Part1)

While Amy Irving tends to focus on the trees, Steven Spielberg is interested in the forest. Very often, Amy Irving points out problems with specific details of any situation, while Steven Spielberg would rather discuss the overall, general outlook, rather than the practical details. These different approaches can balance each other. They are also likely to conflict with each other at times, especially when Steven Spielberg feels that the details will take care of themselves, and Amy Irving should simply have more faith in the process. Amy Irving can be guilty of spending so much time criticizing the details that the overall goal of an otherwise excellent plan is missed. Steven Spielberg, on the other hand, may need Amy Irving's detailed analysis but not be willing to admit it.

Positively, they can work together, with Steven Spielberg providing a great deal of vision and enterprise, and Amy Irving providing a great deal of practical advice, expertise and skill. However, it is inevitable that Steven Spielberg will feel annoyed with Amy Irving's pettiness and criticism at times, and Amy Irving will feel frustrated by Steven Spielberg's sloppiness of thought or behavior. Much humor, tolerance and awareness of their legitimate differences will be needed to work these problems through.

Jennifer Lopez (Actress)

Jennifer Lopez's artistic and personal achievements -- as an actress, singer and general big shot -- have finally managed to overshadow her much-discussed and much-admired derriere. The shapely Lopez and her whispery sex-kitten voice stole scenes from Sean Penn and Nick Nolte in U Turn and created some truly intense screen chemistry with George Clooney in Out of Sight. In 1999, she released her first album, On the 6, and watched it go five times platinum. Then in 2000, Lopez enjoyed her first big-time blockbuster with The Cell, a surrealistic psychological thriller for which she was paid $4 million, topping her own record as the highest-paid Hispanic actress ever. And she topped herself again by pulling in $9 million each for her roles in The Wedding Planner (opposite Matthew McConaughey) and Angel Eyes! She sizzles on screen, and her tempestuous personal life has created tons of fodder for the tabloids. And while some of her films have earned reputations for being less than stellar, she's still inarguably hot -- she even worked with Jane Fonda in Monster-in-Law, the screen legend's first film after a 15-year hiatus. This onetime In Living Color Fly Girl has quite a shining future ahead. Let's see what the stars have to say about it!

Birth Details:
July 24, 1969
The Bronx, New York

Lopez was born with her Sun in Leo, a fire sign intent on action and gaining acclaim -- indeed, she burst on the scene with the Lion's vigor. Full of Leo's gregariousness, Lopez easily forms a connection with her audience that's intimate and full of pride. As the highest-paid Latina actress ever, and as someone who calls her own shots and makes her own demands, she's become a role model for legions of young women.

Leo's vibrant energy also shows up in the placement of Lopez's Mercury, driving this sexy star to succeed all the more. The planet of communication and self-expression in this fire sign indicates an individual gifted with a fertile but focused mind and a knack for expressing ideas in the most dramatic ways possible. One thing to watch for with this placement is a sort of intellectual superiority. Not knowing when to take the advice of others over her own self-assured opinions -- a quality that comes from the fixed nature of this sign -- could put up obstacles in Lopez's path to realizing some of her dreams.

When Mars, the planet of ambition and passion, finds itself in Sagittarius, you've got an individual with an enthusiastic drive for knowledge rooted deeply in her ego. The main goal of Sagittarian energy is to pursue freedom and understand life's big picture. Mars in Sagittarius often leads to a life full of travel and new, foreign experiences -- indeed, Lopez's ambitions and passions have turned her into a globe-trotting superstar! The Archer's fondness for good-natured fun and his emphasis on inspiration come through again and again in the variety of rousing and engaging characters Lopez portrays so well.

Lopez also benefits from Mars sextile Uranus in her chart. This aspect urges her always to strive for more, even just as one goal has been attained. Right on the heels of her big success in Out of Sight, she released her first album, promoting it and touring just like any other hardworking performer. Mars also makes a square (a hard aspect that causes unease in a chart) to Jupiter, the planet of philosophy and good fortune. Jupiter increases that which it touches, so here's yet another indicator of an ambitious entrepreneur and tireless worker. Lucky for Lopez, she's got the inspirational energy of Mars trine Neptune in her chart. A trine is a soft aspect that lends a certain ease to affairs, opening the flow of energy between the planets involved in the aspect -- in this case Mars and Neptune, the planets of action and ideals. She's a person who works to make her dreams come true.

Lopez's chart also features a sextile between her Leo Sun and Jupiter, making her appropriately proud and confident. A sextile is a harmonious aspect that allows this multitalented star to enjoy the luck and popularity Jupiter has brought her. Reaping the rewards of this aspect requires some work on her part, though, and no one can say that Lopez hasn't earned her success -- all the way from Fly Girl to superstar!

Indeed, Jennifer Lopez's is not an overnight success story. Some of her perseverance and tenacity can be traced to Saturn's position in Taurus in her chart. Saturn, the planet of karmic lessons, in this placement makes for a patient and persistent person willing to work hard, dig in and really fight for what she wants. Serious and single-minded, those with Saturn in Taurus can sometimes get so wrapped up in moving forward toward achievement and security that they fail to reach out in love. Venus in Gemini doesn't help Lopez out much either. Potentially quite fickle, Gemini's energy can leave its possessor easily bored in relationships and in constant need of stimulation and new input. Will Marc Anthony finally quell this air sign's effect on his wife?

Wherever her personal life takes her, Lopez shows no signs of slowing down -- she's still got goals to reach, hit songs to perform, blockbuster movies to make and precedents to set.

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Mariah Carey (Musician)

Shrinking violet' is not a phrase that describes Aries Mariah Carey. The songbird in the short, short dress knows that glamour plus vocal prowess equals mega-success. However, life wasn't always so simple for this diva, who penned tunes in high school in the hopes of being recognized by someone in the music business. Her dream came true when Sony honcho Tommy Mottola saw promise in the young singer and signed her right up. Tommy married Mariah, too, but that deal turned out to be less than successful. Not even a famous film flop or relentless tabloid attention could keep this talent down. With numerous hit albums and Grammy Awards under her belt, Mariah continues to dazzle her fans. What's in the stars that makes this diva so divine?

Birth Details:
March 27, 1970
Huntington, New York

Born under an Aries Sun, Carey is a feisty and independent woman who wants to be the best. She probably has a major competitive streak and is an A student in the school of 'me first!' Much to her credit, Carey has the enthusiasm and initiative to be front-page news. With her Sun conjunct Mercury, Mariah's will to act on all her many ideas is further strengthened. Nervous energy is the order of the day here -- both good and bad. Carey's Sun and Mercury both find themselves opposite Uranus, the planet of rebellion, in her chart. The Sun's opposition to Uranus is anything but subtle, presenting us with a woman who is willful to the point of being dictatorial. Mercury's opposition to Uranus sounds off in the form of inconsistent ideas, radical points of view and myriad controversies. The singer's actions will get her into trouble from time to time, but she'll get a lot done too.

Thanks to her Mercury in Aries, Carey won't always think before she speaks. That may be why she's quick to talk about a very familiar subject -- herself! Yes, Mariah is fast on her feet; she loves to mix it up and is a fighter when it comes to verbal sparring. With her Venus, planet of love, also in Aries, Ms. Carey can be a bit selfish in the game of love. The singer is aggressive and competitive when it comes to relationships, although she is also deliciously sociable and delightfully romantic. This placement further indicates that Carey is likely to spend her money as quickly as she makes it. Lastly, with her Venus unaspected in the heavens (making no aspects to any planets or points), Carey's romantic persona may be somewhat disconnected from the rest of her personality.

Her Mars in Taurus brings Carey back to terra firma. The Bull's meeting with the planet of passion still signals strength and determination, but of a more measured and purposeful variety. This songstress will get the things she wants (like money), albeit in due course. Since Mars is conjunct stern Saturn here, Carey will see to it that she's always got a plan and is working steadily toward it.

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Charlize Theron (Actress)

The days of being 'discovered' at a Hollywood soda fountain may be long gone, but apparently you can still catch an agent's eye -- if you're stubborn enough to put up a fuss in a bank on Hollywood Boulevard. Just ask Charlize Theron. Two weeks after she arrived in Los Angeles, a bank teller on that famous strip refused to accept Theron's out-of-state check. She gave the teller a piece of her mind and ended up walking out without the cash -- but with something far more important in her pocket: the card of the agent who would give her star-studded career its start. It didn't take long for Theron to gain a reputation as a box-office success. She got her first major break playing opposite Keanu Reeves in The Devil's Advocate, then starred in The Cider House Rules, The Legend of Bagger Vance and The Italian Job. It was her role as convicted serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, however, that gained Theron the critical acclaim -- and shiny gold Oscar! -- that her Leo Sun and Moon have always craved. Let's see what light the stars will shed on this spirited actress!

Birth Details:
August 7, 1975
Benoni, South Africa

Theron was born on the day of a new Moon in Leo, the sign that craves appreciation and applause more than any other. New Moons bring the Sun and Moon together in the same sign, uniting the inner and outer sides of the individual's personality in pursuit of the same goal. The end result is that what you see is quite literally what you get. Leo is the sign of the performer and also rules the heart -- so above all else, Leos absolutely must know that they are loved. It's not surprising, then, that Theron has the ability to throw herself so completely into her roles. She's able to transform an internal, emotional need for 'mass love' into the external ability to entertain the public, thus earning the adoration and appreciation her soul lives for.

But speaking of transforming, it's the strong influence of Neptune, the great pretender, that gives Theron the ability to seamlessly shape-shift into such a wide variety of characters. For her role in Monster, it was this deceptive planet that helped Theron 'hide' her lovely, willowy Venus in Virgo. She packed on 30 pounds, wore a set of badly gnarled prosthetic teeth and was plastered with heavy makeup that transformed her perfect complexion into a sun-damaged disaster. All of that might certainly be credited to the talents of a makeup artist and director, but if Theron hadn't been enough of a chameleon to pull off the charade, no amount of makeup or coaching would have done the job.

Determination is what keeps any of us on our life path -- and in Theron's case, that quality comes from the same aggressive, determined Mars in Taurus that got her noticed to start with, a combination that ensures that she absolutely will not give up until she has to. This will be the planetary combination that enables Theron to enjoy her place in the spotlight -- and audiences to enjoy her electric work -- for years to come.

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